Why I Won’t Leave A Comment On Your Blog Post

Hello you lovely lot, Happy New Year and all that. This past year has been a wild ride for us all. I’ve felt my own style of content creation changing and I wanted to start the New Year with a helpful blog post. I read a LOT of blogs every single day. But, there are a few reasons why I wont leave a comment on your latest blog post…

I’ve been blogging for just over 5 years and, believe me, I’ve made every mistake in the book. I wanted to start 2021 with giving all of my blogger readers advice and tips on how to improve the quality of your posts and engagement. Absolutely zero shade here!

Slow Load Time

As a consumer of all things blogs and the internet, I am ready to devour content in seconds. When I click your link, I am ready to read your point of view right there and then. If I’m seeing what I was looking for in seconds, chances are I will read lots of your content and leave you a comment to let you know my thoughts.

If your blog and/or pages load slowly, there’s a chance that I’ll lose interest before even considering leaving you a comment. Take a look at your google page speed – it’ll also help to increase your SEO performance!

Your Comment Box Is Hard To Find

Not all blogs need a comment box, I get that. However, if your audience wants to drop you a little note, it’s always good to give them an option to do so! It’s completely the preference of the blog owner whether they allow comments on any of their posts, but it’s something I would certainly encourage!

If your comment box is too hard to find, unfortunately, I won’t be leaving you any kind of feedback. If I have to scroll and scroll, give you my mum’s maiden name and promise you my first born son just to write how much I loved your post, it aint gonna happen!

I personally use Disqus for my comments section. It is almost completely universal and can be linked to your facebook profile so there is no need to give your details every time you want to leave a message.

Your Post Isn’t Engaging

You may have noticed that I tend to end my blog posts with a question. This is so important for building engagement with your readership.

I am going to be brutally honest, if your post doesn’t pull me in and make me feel engaged, I’m not leaving you a comment.

You don’t have to finish your posts with questions but I want something to provoke thoughts, feelings and questions within me. If I don’t find that, I wont stick around and I definitely won’t be back! Soz.

Your Posts Feel Artificial

I get it, girls got bills to pay. Believe me, I know this is only too true. However, when I come across blog posts that feel artificial or forced, it will disengage me in seconds.

As a blogger, I accept guest and pre-written posts but only if they are a good match for my brand, ethos and style of writing. I’m sorry to say, I’ve seen so called beauty bloggers share obviously paid posts about screen wash. Like, what!?

I know it’s not always easy to say no but your audience will vote with their feet and you could lose serious engagement if you create artificial content.

Many bloggers don’t do this and I read soo many amazing posts every single day. Here are some of my favourite bloggers and their blogs for you! Take tips from these amazing content creators!

Mornings on Macedonia

Cozy Stylist

Kelly Diane Report

Kayleigh Zara

Della Driscoll

Do you have any must-haves within your blog posts that help to boost your engagement? Do you have any major turn offs that stop you from commenting on blog posts?

