Toddler-Friendly Food and Fun for National Picnic Day!

Are you ready to spread out that blanket, soak up the sun, and celebrate one of the most delightful days of the year? From one “picnic blanket Mum” to another… National Picnic Day is on June 18th, and it’s the perfect excuse to gather your loved ones for a memorable outdoor feast. But if you’re a parent to toddlers or young children, like me, planning the perfect picnic can feel like a daunting task. I’ve got you covered with toddler-friendly food ideas, entertainment tips, and ways to keep the adults engaged for an unforgettable picnic experience!

Let’s start with the most important part – the food! When it comes to picnic fare for little ones, it’s all about simplicity and variety. Here are some toddler-approved picnic food ideas that are sure to please even the pickiest of eaters:

Mini Sandwiches

Whip up some bite-sized sandwiches using kid-friendly fillings like cream cheese and cucumber, banana, or ham and cheese. Cut them into fun shapes with cookie cutters for added appeal! I have these in my store cupboard and they make even the most boring sandwiches all the more exciting for Jack.

Fruit Skewers

Thread chunks of colourful fruit onto skewers for a healthy and portable snack that kids will love. Think strawberries, grapes, pineapple, and melon – the possibilities are endless! We love this in our house when fruit is the last thing Jack wants to eat. Making it interactive and fun makes all the difference!

Veggie Sticks and Dip

Encourage your little ones to munch on crunchy carrot sticks, cucumber slices, and bell pepper strips served with their favourite dip, whether it’s hummus, ranch, or yogurt.

Cheese and Crackers

Create a DIY cheese and cracker platter featuring a variety of cheese cubes and whole grain crackers for a satisfying and nutritious snack. This is Jack’s favourite snack, if he will eat nothing at all, I can guarantee that he’ll eat cheese and crackers! This makes for the perfect picnic food to add.

Homemade Snack Mix

Mix together a medley of toddler-friendly snacks like pretzels, cereal, dried fruit, and nuts for a tasty crisps and puffed cereal & rice that’s perfect for nibbling on the go.

Entertainment For Toddlers

Keeping small children entertained during a picnic can be a breeze with a little bit of planning. It does take some planning if your toddler is like mine: he never sits still and is always on the go!

Here are some fun ideas to keep the little ones busy while the adults relax and enjoy the sunshine:

Outdoor Games

Pack a football, packs of bubbles and some toys from your own garden to keep kids entertained and active during the picnic. You can also set up a scavenger hunt or a nature-themed treasure hunt for added excitement.

Arts and Crafts

Everywhere we go, I’ve always got a healthy stock of colouring pencils and pens as well as colouring books and magic books. We love the Tractor Ted colouring books and pencils. The pencils come in a handy tube to keep everything together.

We love anything crafty to keep Jack busy so I’d also recommend bringing some stickers and crafty bits. You can encourage your little ones to make their own hats, capes and tote bags. The Works is our go-to for summer crafts.

Photo by Jennie Clavel on Unsplash


Settle down on the picnic blanket and read some favourite books aloud to the little ones. You can also bring along a portable speaker and play some kid-friendly audiobooks or songs for a musical interlude. Our toy bag is always full of Jack’s favourite books and we rotate them so that he never gets bored. You can’t beat a snuggle and book together.

Nature Walk

Take a leisurely stroll around the picnic area and explore the natural surroundings with your little explorers. Point out interesting plants, insects, and animals along the way and encourage curiosity and wonder. If you want to be extra, you could always plan a nature scavenger hunt!

For The Grown Ups

While the kids are busy playing and snacking, it’s important to carve out some time for the grown-ups to relax and unwind. Here are some ideas to keep the adults entertained during the picnic:

Picnic Games

Organize some classic picnic games like potato sack races, three-legged races, or a friendly game of cornhole to get everyone involved and laughing. I love the idea of having a mini sports day with friends in the summer sun!

Food and Drink Pairings

Set up a DIY food and drink pairing station featuring a selection of artisanal cheeses, charcuterie, and gourmet snacks paired with refreshing beverages like wine, beer, or homemade lemonade. This is actually super simple to do and can be prepped the day or night before. It’s always a popular one at our picnics.

Group Activities

Plan some group activities games to encourage mingling and conversation among the adults. You can also bring along a deck of cards or a board game for some friendly competition. In my opinion, you can’t beat a simple football and some jumpers as goals. Everyone gets competitive and involved and ends up laughing.

So there is everything you need to plan the ultimate picnic experience for National Picnic Day! Whether you’re a parent to toddlers or young children, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a fun-filled day outdoors with your loved ones. So pack up those picnic baskets, grab your favourite snacks, and get ready to make some unforgettable memories under the sun.

Happy picnicking!


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How to picnic with a toddler?

Anything tastes better on a stick so make easy meals by piling fruit or meat, cheese and your favourite vegetable onto a skewer. For younger kids, use straws instead of skewers for a safer tool. Pack lots of fruits, cut up veggies, dips, cheeses and deli meat for a simple and fun picnic meal.

What do children learn from a picnic?

It’s important we let this experience be child-led, so we can sit back and see their social development and communication skills developing before our very eyes! Picnics also open communication about the role food plays within a family and the importance of sharing a meal.

What is good picnic food for kids?

Picnic foods kids make themselves needn’t be complicated. Think no-cook snacks and bite-size finger food, simple sandwiches, cheese sticks, fruit and veggie chunks, drinkable yogurt cups, and you’re there. A little adult supervision is the trick to get things ready.

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